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Suraj (2021 10 March)

If you're unsure how to clean your pricey and delicate garments, take them to a dry cleaner. Professional dry cleaning service recommendations for clothing such as formal suits and dry clean only items and some washing guidelines for delicate and pricey garments. Dry cleaning is one of the most enigmatical facets of modern living. Even the term "dry cleaning" contradicts our understanding of how clothing is cleaned. To add to the mystique, dry cleaning operations are hidden behind a barrier of plastic garment bags, where mysterious machines undertake some strange technique that cleans our garments without getting them wet.

If you've ever wondered what happens behind the scenes at a dry cleaner's or even what "dry" cleaning truly means, continue reading for ten things your dry cleaner doesn't want you to know.


#1 – Inspect Clothing Labels: Laundry Label

Most clothing labels will indicate what to do, but if you're ever in doubt or the title explicitly indicates "dry clean only," bring it to a professional garment cleaner for safety.

#2 – Become Acquainted with the Art of Hand Washing Clothes

Clothing labelled "delicate" can be machine washed, however it is preferred to be hand washed. While hand washing may look hard, it is rather straightforward; yet, once you've done it a few times, you'll understand why the "hand wash only" label is present. Before hand washing your clothes, ensure that the sink, tub, or basin is free of mildew, stains, and chemical residue. Fill your sink, tub, or basin halfway with lukewarm water (unless the label specifies a different temperature) and follow these steps:

Combine with a mild detergent, such as one formulated for delicates. Submerge the clothing items in the water and gently whisk them sideways for five minutes using your hands. Even if the things are stained, avoid scrubbing them. Put only a small amount of laundry in at a time, since the fabric fibres require ample water to circulate around and through them. If you have a lot of filthy hands, wash them frequently and check the water every few loads to avoid cleaning your items in unclean water.

#3 – Pre-treat Discolorations Immediately: stain from cloth

It’s not a good idea to let a stain rest on an item of clothing, and early pre-treatment can help prevent a persistent stain. As soon as a stain appears, blot it with simple water. Use warm or hot water to remove dirt and other inorganic stains; cold or lukewarm water to remove organic stains such as blood. Water should be dabbed into the affected area and absorbed from behind using a paper towel or absorbent cloth. It may seep into the paper towel rather than your clothing.

#4 – Soaking is beneficial: Soaking may assist in removing stains from soiled and filthy things.

Soaking requires immersing the entire garment in water and allowing it to soak for many hours to a day in room temperature water. If you do not soak the entire garment completely, the fibres may expand and warp out of position, ruining the item. Washing an item weakens and breaks up stains, making subsequent stain removal easier and faster.

#5 – To Dry, Lay Flat

Because tumble drying delicate and expensive items might ruin them, they are often air-dried. Although certain delicate items may be hung, the majority must lie flat to avoid creases, dimples, and wrinkles. To dry garments flat, you may use a slotted rack, a mattress frame, or even a baking rack, as long as the rack allows for airflow beneath the garment. Turn clean things every 30 minutes to ensure consistent drying.

#6 Know when to machine wash

Not all delicate goods require hand washing, and many clothing labelled "dry clean," "hand wash," or "delicate" may be safely machine washed with care. However, if the labels state "hand wash only" or "dry clean only," follow instructions to prevent harming your pricey items. The perfect delicate washing machine without a central agitator can grip, twist, and tangle delicate objects. Front-loading washing machines lack central agitators and clean clothing using big rotating drums.

Select the "delicate" or "gentle" setting for your delicates, and pick for a chilly temperature or a warm wash and cold rinse cycle with a shorter wash cycle. To achieve delicate cleaning of your garments, your washing machine setting should mimic the motions of hand washing as closely as possible. Additionally, you may safeguard delicate goods by placing them in water-permeable washing bags to prevent them from catching on other garments or snagging within the machine.

#7 – Do You Know When to Use the Washing Machine?

Many garments labeled dry clean, hand wash, or delicate can safely wash in your washing machine provided you follow the manufacturer’s instructions. However, if the labels indicate hand wash only or dry clean only, follow them to avoid harming your pricey items. A washing machine without a central agitator that can grip, twist, and tangle delicate things is excellent for delicates. Front-loading washing machines do not even have significant agitators and instead dry clothes using large rotating drums.

Choose the “delicate” or “gentle” mode for your delicates, and choose a cool temperature or a warm wash and cold rinse with a shorter wash cycle. To ensure gentle cleaning of your clothes, set your washing machine to match the handwashing closely. Put delicate things in water-permeable washing bags to keep them from catching inside the device or on other clothing. You can hire a professional dry cleaning service to clean delicate clothes.

#8 – Separate Colours

Wash similar coloured things together and whites and lights in separate loads to avoid clothes dyes damaging delicate items. If a garment absorbs dyes, wash it alone once you clean it to avoid staining other clothing—Wash clothing with an old blanket or towel to see whether the colour is bleeding.

#9 - Perc Is Toxic

Perc, the solvent we've developed as the industry standard for dry cleaning, is a terrible piece of work. It causes significant harm when it leaches into the soil and contaminates groundwater sources. And that delectable aroma that wafts off freshly laundered clothes? That is perc being inhaled.

The good news is that the majority of people are unlikely to be contaminated, according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Additionally, the exceedingly low level of exposure received by dry cleaners' clients is quite safe. However, when employees are regularly exposed to high amounts of perc, the hazard multiplies considerably. While perc has not been definitively linked to human cancer, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified it as a potential human carcinogen. Simply said, if you have a bottle laying around, do not drink it.

#10 - Method of Storage

Keeping your items in good condition begins with proper storage. Always invest in high-quality hangers, such as those made of wood. Garments that are hung in your closet retain their form and are wrinkle-free. Avoid using wire and plastic hangers at all costs. Rolling and storing heavier clothing, such as sweaters, on a shelf is a smart alternative. These clothing may stretch out and lose their form if kept on hangers. Keep your items away from direct sunlight until they are dried. When partly damp clothing is stored in a cabinet, they may develop an unpleasant odour. Additionally, a moist environment provides a breeding ground for mould and germs.

Final Words:

While following the above steps will help protect your delicate and expensive clothing, the safest option is to entrust your items to Accohr dry cleaning services when in doubt. Their specialist is well known for dry cleaners for couture dresses in Delhi. Contact Accohr anytime for an excellent dry cleaning service, wash & iron, shoe repair, tailoring and ironing service near your areas.